• (+977)14891834
  • rannepalktm@gmail.com
  • Dhungedhara
  • Kathmandu 12, Nepal


Registration Information

Registration No Date Registered Office Remarks
509/2009 16th Nov, 2009 District Admin Office, Kathmandu  
28633 17th Nov, 2009 Social Welfare Council  
VAT No. 303827382 20th Nov, 2009 TAX Office, Balaju, Kathmandu  



Right to Access Nepal is a non-political and a non-profit organization registered in Kathmandu District Administration Office in 2066 B.S. (i.e. 2009 A.D.) under organization Act 2034 B.S. It is also registered with Social Welfare Council and district administrative offices of currently working and previously worked sites. Up to now, it has conducted various programs in Tanahu, Kaski, Lalitpur, Chitwan, Ramechap, Gorkha, Rasuwa, Nuwakot, Bhaktapur, Manang, Mustang, Banke, Surkhet, Dailekh, Kalikot, Bardiya Districts.

Right to Access Nepal (RAN) has 9 executive members including Dalit, Janajati, women and others. They are elected from general assembly of 29 members in every two year. We focus for inclusive and participatory approaches. At present, executive committee consists of 7 members from woman, 2 members form Janajati community, 1 member from Dalit community, and 6 members from other communities. Since its establishment RAN has been participating in local activities, and has successfully conducted the program of Social Mobilization of Local Governance and Community Development Program in Kathmandu and Bhaktapur Districts. It has also conducted the program of General Discussion in coordination to Local Governance and Accountable Facility (LGAF) and WASH Programms in Rasuwa District. It has also conducted the program of Good Governance, Accountability, Transparency, Child Friendly Local Governance, Campaign for declaring end to open defection area, HIV / AIDS, Right to Information, Social Auditing, General Public Hearing, Gender and Social inclusion, Drinking Water, Sanitation including health program in coordination with Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Bhaktapur, Kaski and Rasuwa Districts. RAN has conducted more than dozens study, evaluation, research etc in various districts in all over the seven Provinces.



Creating justifiable and equitable access inside communities, civil societies, governmental bodies, and political parties for youths, women, and socially excluded people through social mobilization, empowerment, participation etc.



  • To provide training and counseling to local organizations, various national sector and civil society organizations based on community.
  • To facilitate, building capacity, informing, conducting campaign , discussion, training and practice of various things contributing in social awareness and social responsibility
  • To actively conduct various communities based programs such as right to information, human rights, child friendly local governance and social mobilization.
  • To conduct baseline and secondary survey of various area
  • To conduct income generating activities in order to reduce poverty, transferring skills, creating an environment of industrialist, entrepreneurship and preparing micro industrialist.  
  • To conduct training on group formation, mobilization and loan/saving.
  • To conduct workshop, seminar and publishing pamphlets, magazine and brochure.
  • To produce and telecast radio and television.


Prioritized Area of Organization

  • Environment and Climate Change
  • Education and Health
  • Community / Social Mobilization (CM)
  • Water Supply, Health, and Sanitation (WASH)
  • Peace Building
  • Good  Governance, Transparency, Accountability, and Responsibility
  • Disaster Management / Conversation
  • Poverty Reduction, Micro Industrialist Promotion, Income Generating Trainings
  • Education, Health, Water Supply, and  Sanitation
  • Irrigation and Agricultural Promotion, Food Security
  • Rural and Urban Development
  • Mass-media Mobilization
  • Human Rights, Right to Information (RTI), Children and Gender
  • Agro-Forest, Community-Forest, Eco and Bio Diversity, Conservation
  • Culture, Heritage, Art, Campaign, and Exhibition
  • Capacity Enhancement and Building, Trainin,g and Development
  • Feasibility Study, Product Development, Survey Design, Research and Development, Evolution, Monitoring, Consulting, and Impact Assessment.